Monday, October 18, 2010

My Experience & Growth With Starting C. Bayless Photography & Design

I thought I would write about my experience thus far since starting my photography business. First of all I must say it has been quite the journey and learning experience! Looking back I see the growth of what I've learned, yet as I look into the future I see so much more to learn! Although there are times where it seems confusing or hard I always feel I get a grip on everything eventually. And I realize that I will have many more challenges and big decisions to make along my journey in the growth of my business. Of course I've made mistakes, as I am only human, but I feel I learn from them quickly! I try not to get hung up on those moments and move on as there is more important things to put my attention towards. One thing that I feel strongly about is that I am confident that I made the right decision of starting this business. There has never been a point since starting my business of doubt, although there is definitely moments that I have been nervous.

I think one of the hardest things is balancing my passion for photography, pleasing my clients while giving them a great experience from start to finish, and with making sure I do what is best for my business. There is a lot of different perspectives to consider when making any final decisions. From the beginning I have always had a passion for photography and keeping that fresh and creative is important more now than ever since I want to give my clients the best of my best! I think it's important to continue to shoot for myself even though I have to keep in mind my clients needs and wants. If I start shooting only for what my clients want then I will lose the passion and it just becomes work which not only does it hurt me it will end up hurting you, as the client. I try to keep in mind with every session I do that the client came to me because they like (or I hope even love) my art and style and trust me to provide that for them! Even though they may have something in mind of which I need to cater to I also need to balance it with my style. Then there are decisions I have to make regarding my business such as my prices, policy and how I run my business over all, of course all of these decisions will effect my clients in one way or another of which I always keep in consideration. But I also have to keep in mind all of my costs that I have to run my business, all of the ways I need to protect my business and the best way to make everything fit my schedule so I can perform my best so everything runs smoothly. It doesn't benefit anyone when I can't pay my bills because my prices are low as I wouldn't be in business long and then couldn't serve my clients. Same goes with protecting my business with policies and insurance, I would hate to think something would happen but don't want to risk it. I strive and am still learning the best way to run my business, making it a great experience for every client all while keeping focused and stressed free so I can put most of my energy back towards my clients. There is a lot that goes into running a business and one being time. I put a lot of my personal time into my business wether it is losing sleep by staying up late editing or giving up a few hours to do a session. I wont even get into all of the time involved doing paper work, finances and marketing but believe me there is a huge list of to dos! I am more than happy to give up personal time (all while balancing it of course) if it means I do that much better of a job in providing a great service and product for my clients! I care about my clients and it brings me such pleasure knowing they are happy, excited and enjoy every part of what I offer.

One of the most enjoyable parts is sharing my love and passion of photography with all of you! It is such an honor to share my gifts and blessings with others! So thank you all for your support and encouragement! I hope you will continue to follow along on my journey and that it only gets better for everyone along the way!

Your photographer,
Carrie Bayless


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